27th September 2014, the Matswapati Fest is held. It's a Festival from SMAN 3 Bandung. The festival itself is to celebrate the Anniversary of the city of Bandung, it's 204th years anniversary man, damn! so yeah the festive is also held to preserve the sundanese culture, the mother of Bandung culture. I'm a sundanese too by the way :p
Okay, the fest actually opened for public @ 9 am, but me and my classmates was joining the Culture Parade @ 7 am. It was a long walk tho, but it feel awesome. At 9 am the Mayor of Bandung city, Ridwan Kamil was there to open the Matswapati Festive officially, yeah man Officially. I really respect the mayor, he was there and participating the fest.
The fest is on and of course, i was going to the "Jajanan Street" or we can say it the Food Street. It was a sunny bright day, so i brought some cold Fresh drinks. Refreshing the day yeah. Oh, @ 10 am my friends was painting some banner for our stand.
Makin' Banner, with GOLD Poster Paint |
Did i tell you that my class have it's own stand? Well our class have a stand named "Arjuna". Arjuna itself is a knight that love to wandering, meditating, willing to help the others, smart and humble person. What a nice theme for our stand.
Our Stand, yay! |
The stand was intend to teach us organizing something, the stand is the beginning. By the way, our stand was holding a "Puzzle Games". It was a really challenging, mind-blowing puzzle.
The Puzzles |
@ 11 am to 7 pm is the show really started. There was some performance by our extracurricular, The Tiloe's Theather (our Thather extracurricular) and Kelompok Pecinta Angklung (KPA/ Our Angklung Extracurricular) and some guest star like OSD (Sundanese Parody/Comedian group), Samba Samba Junior, Saung angklung Udjo, Indonesian Bamboo community (still angklung performance tho, not a real bamboo lover :p) and the Main star, Barsena & KV. For the Grand Finale, Matswapati invited Glenn Fredly, wow. 9 hour of Great performance. By the way, if you wondering "what is angklung?" angklung is a traditional sundanese music instrumental, with the main materials is a bamboo. Ok back to the topic. it was a great show but unfortunately i missed the Indonesian bamboo community and Barsena & KV performance. But i was happy i can still watch the Grand finale, Glenn Fredly.
OSD Group, bringing laugh to us all |
The Grand Finale!! |
And that's the matswapati, i hope next year SMA 3 will hold another great Festival. I just love festival
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